Velkommen til Esbjerg Kommune - Forside

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Career opportunities

Would you like to work and live in Esbjerg? Here you can get an overview of some of the job opportunities in Esbjerg Municipality.

Esbjerg Municipality is home to a wide range of different companies offering outstanding career opportunities. The energy and offshore clusters are strong in Esbjerg, but in the fifth-largest municipality in Denmark you will  also find jobs within all other fields and professional clusters.

Esbjerg is the EnergyMetropolis of Denmark, and the city of Esbjerg is the Danish member of the global energy network called World Energy Cities Partnership. 
Below you will find a summary of some of important touch points if you wish to find your next job in Esbjerg Municipality. 

If you are new to the area and wish to learn more about the professional clusters and the local companies, you are welcome to book a meeting with Newcomer Service to discuss your options. 

Business Esbjerg

Business Esbjerg is a great ressource

Discover your career opportunities at the site of Business Esbjerg´s side. You are welcome to upload your CV on the site if you wish it distributed to local companies. Be inspired about companies and upload your CV here.

Business Esbjerg

Partner jobs

If your partner needs a job

Newcomer Service offers help if you recently moved to Esbjerg Municipality because of your partner's new job.

Find out more about partnerjob

Career portal for Southern Denmark

Discover the many options

Take a look at the career portal to get to know the companies in the region and to learn more about the power clusters. You can also dive into newcomer life in Southern Denmark and explore your options.

Visit the career portal of Southern Denmark


The job vacancy portal will give you a comprehensive view of open positions in the region.

Find the vacant positions here

Vacant positions

At Business Esbjerg´s website, you will find links to vacant positions locally in the Esbjerg area currently advertised at the bigger job boards.

Find the vacant positions here

Are you an entrepreneur?

Is your business idea emerging or have you already launched your own entrepreneurial company? The consultants at Business Esbjerg are always ready to provide advice about start-up, and they arrange events and seminars on the topic. 

Read more about the help for entrepreneurs by Business Esbjerg and at the entrepreneur house Riggen here

The local jobcenter

The local jobcenter can help

The consultants at the job center can help you find your next job. If you are unemployed, they can also provide information about traineeship, employment with wage subsidy and other set-ups designed to help you find employment in Esbjerg Municipality.

Read more about the service offered by Jobcenter Esbjerg

Esbjerg Municipality

Get a job in the municipality

The municipality is a major employer in the area and offers more than 300 different types of jobs. The unique combination of several different professions creates a dynamic workplace, and you have the chance to speed up your career advancement.

See the current open positions at Esbjerg Kommune