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Are you expecting a child?

You are always welcome to contact the health visitor if you are unsure whether a pregnancy visit is relevant for you. You can get a referral from your midwife or your doctor.

The purpose of pregnancy visits is to ensure that you and your future child receive the right support. We will also use the visit to introduce the services we offer to you and to discuss our collaborations beyond your family in relation to your pregnancy and your child.

During the visit, we typically discuss your expectations for the child, parental roles, and family life. We will also talk to you about your network, your resources as parents, breastfeeding, purchasing equipment, and arranging the changing and sleeping area.

If you would like a pregnancy visit, you need a referral from your midwife or doctor. You are always welcome to contact the health visitor if you are unsure whether a pregnancy visit is relevant for you.


It is also possible to have a health visitor visit before and after adoption, tailored to the needs of adoptive parents and the child.

The Health Visitor Service is not automatically informed when your child arrives through adoption, so you are welcome to contact the health visitor.

Worth knowing about pregnancy visits

Smoking and alcohol