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Well-being groups for children and youth

You can enroll your child in a well-being group if they are so affected by everyday circumstances that it impacts their well-being and learning.

Application for Well-being Groups

You can now enroll your child in a well-being group.

The next group session begins at the end of September 2023.

The application deadline is August 27, 2023.


Well-being Groups for Children and Youth

It is possible to sign up for the following well-being groups:

4 - 9 grade: Children with mentally or chronically ill parents
2 - 6 grade: Children whose parents are divorced
4 - 9 grade: Children with siblings with chronic illness or psychiatric diagnosis
6 - 9 grade: Youth group

The different well-being groups

How the well-being groups work

  • Your child will join a group with children in the same situation
  • There are approximately 8 children in each group
  • A group session consists of 8-10 meetings after school, lasting 1.5 hours once a week
  • The meeting place will be a school in Esbjerg Municipality, and you are responsible for any transportation.

Before your child starts, we will invite you for a conversation with the group leaders. When your child finishes in the well-being group, you will be invited again for a session to conclude the program.