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When will my waste be collected?

We collect residual waste and food waste every two weeks. There are different pickup times for recyclable waste.

Residual waste, food waste, and recycling

Here you can get an overview of when we will next empty your garbage bin for residual waste, food waste, and your paper bin, recycling bin, textile bin, garden bin, and environmental box:


For your paper bin, recycling bin, garden bin, and environmental box, we also offer:

Trouble searching in the electronic calendar?
If you can't find your own address, it's probably because you share waste containers with multiple households. You'll find information about emptying your shared waste containers at the address where the bins are located.

Otherwise, you are always welcome to contact us.

New Waste Bins in 2024

During 2024, households with their own waste bins will receive a new set of bins. In the spring, we will deliver a new 2-compartment container for residual waste and food waste. In the fall, we will introduce new bins for recycling. So by the end of 2024, ten types of waste will be sorted into three new bins.


From September to December, we will be delivering new recycling bins

We will be coming with new bins for recycling and paper/cardboard from September to December. In the Affaldsportal app under “Mit Affald” or in the self-service solutions “Mit affald,” you can see when we will be coming to your address. Both are in danish. 

If you live in Esbjerg city centre, we will deliver new containers in week 35.

If you live in the countryside, you will receive new bins in weeks 2-7 2025.

Did you know...?

When your garbage bin has tipped over, it might have been intentional

When there is strong wind, the garbage collector places your bin down after emptying it. This way, we can prevent it from getting damaged by being blown over.

App for your waste

App for your waste

Get an overview of when we collect waste, and find recycling centers and much more. Search for 'Affaldsportal' in the App Store or Google Play

More about the Affaldsportal app

Print your recycling calendar

You have the option to print a recycling calendar. Here, you can see when we empty the paper bin, recycling bin, garden bin, and environmental box.

Free notification service

Sign up for the notification service

- then we'll remind you when your collection is scheduled

Sign up for the notification service and receive a free SMS or email the day before we empty your recycling bin, paper bin, garden bin, and environmental box at your location.

Request recycling collection

Large recycling

You can have items such as furniture, electronics, or large metal items picked up if you arrange for collection through the program we call 'Large Recycling'.