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Health Visitors are available to all families with children 0 - 18 years old.

At the health visitor, you can receive guidance on your child's and family's health and well-being.

If you are expecting a child, you can, among other things, receive pregnancy visits, or if you have just had a baby, we would be happy to visit you at home. If your child is in school, you can request a consultation or use the school health services.

You can find the health visitor's phone hours in the 'Contact Us' box.

About us

Are you expecting a child?

You are always welcome to contact the health visitor if you are unsure whether a pregnancy visit is relevant for you.

Read more about pregnancy visits

Children aged 0 - 6 years

The health visitor offers regular home visits to all families during the first year of the child's life.

Learn more about children aged 0 - 6 years

Children aged 6 - 18 years

The Health Visitor Service is affiliated with individual schools in Esbjerg Municipality. Here, the health visitor offers examinations and conversations to all children from 0th to 9th grade.

Learn more about children aged 6 - 18 years

Mother and father groups

As new parents, you can benefit greatly from meeting with other new parents, exchanging experiences, and sharing moments and stories.

Read more about mother and father groups

Postpartum reaction - postpartum depression

How can you know if you have a postpartum reaction? Never hesitate to seek help.

Read more about postpartum reactions, postpartum depression, and family well-being