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Children 0 - 6 years old

If you have an infant or young children, the health visitors offers a range of services for you. We help you get off to a good start in your child's first year, and together, we ensure that your child gets the best start in life.

Home Visits

The health visitor offers:

  • Guidance and individual support for expectant parents, infant, and toddler caregivers.
  • Health care for all newborns during the postpartum period, including assisting the mother with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
  • Assessment of the child's weight and evaluation of the child's health, well-being, and development.
  • Support to strengthen the attachment between the child and parents.
  • Assistance in forming a family bond.

With your consent, the health visitor receives information about your child's birth from the midwife and will contact you shortly thereafter to schedule a postpartum visit. The health visitor offers regular home visits to all families within the child's first year of life.
