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Childcare in Esbjerg Municipality

We have gathered all the important information about our daycare providers, nurseries, and kindergartens in Esbjerg Municipality on a dedicated website.

Childcare as newcomers in Esbjerg Municipality

It is important that children get off to a good start when moving to a new place. For families, it is therefore particularly important that childcare is managed so that the little ones can feel welcome and at home in Esbjerg Municipality.

If you have just arrived or are on your way here, it is a good idea to enroll your children for childcare.

Find out more about Childcare and how to sign up for childcare as newcomers here.

We take good care of your child

Choose the right care for you and your child.

Learn more about daycare, nurseries, and kindergartens in Esbjerg Municipality.

Nurseries and Kindergartens

In Esbjerg Municipality, we are ready to provide your child with the best possible everyday life in our many nurseries and kindergartens.

Find the right daycare institution


Childminding is care for children under 3 years old. The children are looked after at a childminder's home along with a small group of other children. In Esbjerg Municipality, there are approximately 240 municipal childminders.

Learn more about childminding

Private Care

There are several types of private childcare options. You can choose a private institution, care for your own child, or receive subsidies for the care of your child through an approved private childcare scheme.

Get an overview of the options