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Childcare as newcomers

It is important that children get off to a good start when moving to a new country or municipality. For families, it is therefore particularly important that childcare is managed so that the little ones can feel welcome and at home in Esbjerg Municipality.

If you have just arrived or are on your way to Esbjerg municipality, it is a good idea to enroll your children for childcare.

You can enroll your children on the childcare waiting list before you move here. We recommend to everyone that they sign up as soon as possible as the date of enrollment is what determines the position on the waiting list.

If you know your future adress in Esbjerg municipality

In case you know your future adress in Esbjerg Municipality, you can enroll at the wait list for a single enrollment district. If your child has a cpr number you can enroll online. When the application form ask if you are moving to Esbjerg Muncipality, please press yes. You will be asked for your future adress, which we kindly ask you to fill in to proceed with the application form. You sign up online here using MitID.  If your child does not yet have a cpr number, please contact The Childcare department ´Pladsanvisning og Tilskud´ to sign up.

Do you not yet know where in Esbjerg municipality you are going to live?

In case you do not yet know where you will end up living in Esbjerg Muncipality, you have the option to enroll at the wait list for several districts. If your child has a cpr number you can enroll online. When the application form ask if you are moving to Esbjerg Municipality, please press no. Later in the form you can note, that you do not yet know your future adress in Esbjerg Muncipality. You sign up online here using MitID. If your child does not yet have a cpr number, please contact The Childcare department ´Pladsanvisning og Tilskud´ to sign up.


How to enroll for childcare

Enroll your child for childcare

Choose 'Tilmelding dagtilbud' and 'Opskrivning 0-2' for children age 0-2 years or 'Opskrivning 3-5' for children age 3-5years to enter the enrollment form. Google translate can help with the form as it is in Danish.

Enrollment form

Questions about enrolling your child for childcare?

If you have questions, please contact the Childcare department ´Pladsanvisning & Tilskud´.

Phone number:  +45 7616 1616

Not in Denmark yet and need help enrolling?

We are here to help

In case you and your child are not yet residents in Denmark, you can send an email to [email protected] to get help to enroll for a future need.

Care guarantee for newcomers

In Esbjerg, as a newcomer, you are guaranteed care for your child

As newcomers, you are guaranteed a place no later than one month after the enrollment date (however no sooner than your relocation has been registered with Civil Registration at the Citizen Service). Esbjerg Municipality cannot guarantee that you will get the exact spot you wish for, but you will be certain to get a spot in the guaranteed district. 

On this dynamic map, you can get an overview of the location of care services.

Private childcare in Esbjerg Municipality

Are you considering private care for your child?

There are several private day-carers and private childcare institutions in Esbjerg Municipality. Should you wish to enroll your children at one of these, you should contact the institution or day-carer directly. You will find a list of private day-carers here 

About childcare in Denmark

In Denmark, children in the age of 6 months until they turn age 3 (age 0-2) are cared for either in a daycare institution (vuggestue in Danish) or by a day-carer who works at home (in many cases hired by the municipality). 
Children from age 3 and until school start (age 3-5) attend kindergarten (børnehave in Danish). Some daycare institutions and kindergartens are housed at the same location, which enables children to remain at the same facility during the entire period of childcare.

You will find both municipal and private options. For municipal solutions you need to sign up online. For private options contact the place directly to sign up.
The municipality of Esbjerg will as a minimum pay 75% of the costs for childcare, leaving you to pay up to 25%. You will receive a sibling discount of 50% if you have more than one child in childcare.